Press Start to Continue DLC (5/8/17): Symphonic Resonance

This week I was proud to have Tommy Tallarico, the creator of Video Games Live, to talk about how he started the show and the way its put together. AND its our pledge drive!

This show exists because of Valley Free Radio… Without VFR or community radio stations like it we wouldn’t have weird shows like mine, or Joyride, or The Show with BS. Please think about supporting the station; all the money we collect goes right back into buying new equipment, repairs, and keeping the lights on. We don’t have any paid staff – we all work so hard at Valley Free Radio just because we love it so much.

Go to to donate literally any amount. For every person that donates, the estate of David Dow will give us an additional $10. So tell all of your friends to go to the website right now and donate just one dollar.

Playlist below!!

Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC (5/8/17): Symphonic Resonance”

Donate to VFR and get Games or Amazing Nerd Music!

Its that time of year again, when the birds are in bloom and the flowers sing sweet melodies from the trees. Its also time for the Valley Free Radio SPRING FUND DRIVE!!!

Donate right now at

VFR is a completely volunteer run station – we have no paid staff so any proceeds go directly to the station… Paying bills, repairing or improving equipment, and allowing us to start new projects! AND THATS NOT ALL!!

For every single person that donates ANY amount (even as low as $1) the Estate of David Dow will donate $10. So if you give us $5, it means you’ve given us $15. So even if you aren’t able to donate a large amount, know that you are still helping us in an incredible way.

And just for you, my favorite listeners in the whole world, if you donate during the drive, you can get some free stuff!

For every $10 you donate you can choose one of the games or albums listed below. For every $5 you can choose one a DLC.

Continue reading “Donate to VFR and get Games or Amazing Nerd Music!”