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The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
- Dynasty (OC ReMix) by Amphibious, SuperiorX (Mega Man 4)
Soap Globe (OC ReMix) by Nase (Space Station: Silicon Valley)
Matoya’s Hot with Destiny (OC ReMix) by Shael Riley (Final Fantasy)
The Third Dimension (Title Theme) by halc – Super Mario 64: Portrait of a Plumber (OC ReMix)
Altar Perception (OC ReMix) by AeroZ, injury, Monobrow, Protricity (Tales of Symphonia)
Lunar Dioxide (OC ReMix) by Level 99 (Gran Turismo 3 A-spec)
Simon Says: Let There Be Jazz (OC ReMix) by Nostalvania (Castlevania II)
Seven Songs for Seventh Saga: I. Wind by Sebastian Freij – Seven Songs for Seventh Saga (OC ReMix)
Hyrulian Highlands (OC ReMix) by Gamer Symphony Orchestra (Zelda Wind Waker)
Duck Blur (OC ReMix) by Star Salzman (DuckTales)
Ultimate Phalanx (Demon’s Crest) – Red Retaliation by Torzelan – BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume II (OC ReMix)
Fury of Medusa (OC ReMix) by Sadorf (Ecco: The Tides of Time)
Airbased (OC ReMix) by Chikusho Sound Team (Mega Man X)
Link to the Mask (OC ReMix) by Dazey, Nubioso (Zelda Majora’s Mask)
High-Five… Hundred (OC ReMix) by djpretzel (Street Fighter II)
Reset Button (remix) (feat. Wordburglar, Zealous1, Maja) by Random – TeacherRapperHero: the Random Mixtape vol.1
How Machines Fly (OC ReMix) by Quinn Fox (Sonic 3)
Credits Theme (ZZ Badnusty Mix) (OC ReMix) by Rayza (Gaiares)
Inhuman by Adam Warrock – You Dare Call That Thing Human?!?
The Sound of the Galaxy (OC ReMix) by Mattias Häggström Gerdt (Mass Effect 2)
Meteorites and Rabbits (OC ReMix) by jmr (Super Mario Galaxy)
Boss Uniform (OC ReMix) by Quinn Fox (Phantasy Star II)
Good Ending (Blaze the Siren Mix) (OC ReMix) by Rayza (Streets of Rage 3)
GET READY (OC ReMix) by djpretzel (Space Harrier II)
Over 9000 by Kadesh Flow – Gateways
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!