We got an interview with geek drummer JJ O’Connell AND an easter egg this show! Listen to the playlist, and see if you can hear a pattern… try to figure it out before the end of the show!
hint: think about the date today.
Nerdy Music for the Masses
We got an interview with geek drummer JJ O’Connell AND an easter egg this show! Listen to the playlist, and see if you can hear a pattern… try to figure it out before the end of the show!
hint: think about the date today.
Happy New Year!
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Artists featured tonight:
BadGuyEx – tinyurl.com/badguyex
Theremin Hero – thereminhero.bandcamp.com
I Fight Dragons – www.ifightdragons.com
Mega Ran – MegaRan.com
MC Frontalot – frontalot.com
Adam WarRock – adamwarrock.com – @eugewarrock
Billy the Fridge – billythefridge.com
Sulfur – sulfur.bandcamp.com
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!Be sure to check out Popular Geekary on Youtube and Facebook, where you’ll hear Press Start EVERY Wednesday!
We also have the Twitch you can check out: Twitch.tv/PressStartVFR. I’ll probably throw that on randomly when I’m working on the playlist or playing some random games? Who knows.
The playlist is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
Opening song: Ryu Interpretation (OC ReMix) by Malcos (Street Fighter 2)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Artists need to eat too!