Press Start Review: Mark of the Ninja

There are some genres that I have a love/hate relationship with. There are your sports games, your racers, your zombie games (that’s more on the hate side) and then we get to stealth. Some things I love about them: Tactical thinking, the challenge of never being seen while I clear a room, the different weapons. Some things I hate about them: the constant waiting, the fact that in some cases if you get caught that’s the end of the level and you have to restart (and then some other times you are halfway through, get caught, and it reloads you in a place where you can’t avoid the mistake you made before…arg), the repetitive rooms to clear.

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Press Start Review: Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator

“Set condition one throughout the ship!”

“Red alert!”

“It’s a trap!”

“…Tzao Gao You’d best hold on to somethin’…”

I love spaceships. I mean I love the shuttles and rockets and all that are real life, but I sincerely love starships. Freighters, transports, battlecruisers, fighters, whatever – I read tech manuals and websites, I listen to all the tech babble I can from different shows, and I imagine what it would be like to be on a ship sailing through the black of space… So when I found Artemis: Spaceship Bridge Simulator I knew that I’d be hooked.

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Press Start Review: Dust: an Elysian Tail

This game is a combination of elements from multiple genres and they fit together like a puzzle – seemingly disparate pieces fitting together to make a wonderful work of art. Dust: An Elysian Tail has fun combat, incredibly cheesy dialogue, and a story that seems to be rote but actually has a few gratifying twists. I loved every second of playing, and I think anyone who likes metroidvania type games will too.

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