Time for some HANDLE CHANGES!

Hey guys, I’ve changed around some of my online handles and my email! 

Gmail: PressStartMorlock@Gmail.com

Twitter: @PressStartLock

Twitch: Twitch.tv/PressStartMorlock

Mixcloud: MixclMixcloud.com/PressStartMorlock

Facebook (I haven’t changed this… Maybe I should?): Facebook.com/starttocontinue

Hopefully this will help when trying to connect with my various services and what not. If you have any questions, let me know!

Press Start to Continue DLC, 10/8/18

Tonight I’m able to air my interview with Jayson Napolitano owner of Scarlet Moon Productions, and William Carlos Reyes, a fantastic guitarist and member of The OneUps. They’ve produced a beautiful album called Guitar Collections: Final Fantasy IV… if you love classical guitar and game music, you definitely should check it out:


And of course in the second hour we have some awesome nerdcore! Enjoy!

(Don’t forget if you want to hear the FULL UNCUT interview, go to starttocontinue.com/interviews!)

Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC, 10/8/18”

Press Start to Continue DLC, 9/24/18

Tonight I got to talk to KeyJay, an artist that is producing Project Kingdom XIII – an album of remixes, covers, and original music inspired by the Kingdom Hearts video game series! Check out his socials (Just search for KeyJayHD…):

Website | Youtube | Patreon | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Twitch

He just released a new track called Should I Stay (feat. SquigglyDigg, Out of Pocket, and Cyril the Wolf) which… I gotta say is an amazing achievement. The blending of so many different genres into an epic track. Seriously PLAY THIS VIDEO. Find out more about Project Kingdom XII at PKXIII.com

One note – I forgot to censor Dearly Beloved Power…. so… sorry? oops!)

Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC, 9/24/18”

Press Start to Continue DLC, 9/3/18

An awesome show with a TON of new music PLUS an interview with The Hit Points!! Check out their info below:

thehitpoints.com | BC: hitpointsmusic.bandcamp.com | Twitter: @thehitpoints | Facebook: FB.com/hitpointsband | Youtube Channel

If you would like to listen to the full UNCUT interview with The Hit Points, check out Starttocontinue.com/interviews!

And I promised to link you to the JoyRide from Vadell Gabriel: mixcloud.com/The_Joyride

The playlist is marked as follows…

Continue reading “Press Start to Continue DLC, 9/3/18”