Press Start to Continue DLC, 5/14/18

My first interview after my 5th anniversary! I got to talk to Bill Beats and Shubzilla about their collaboration, reclaiming words, and the dark side of Nerdcore. To listen to the FULL interview (trust me you want to) go to!

Find Shubzilla and BillBeats’ music on and its bandcamp (

Subscribe to Triple A Rawn on Youtube! (

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Press Start to Continue DLC (4/30/18): 5th Anniversary Blowout!

I’ve had the privilege to run Press Start to Continue for 5 years. I’ve loved giving everyone the chance to experience all this wonderfully nerdy music, meeting artists, and just all around having a great time with all of you. I hope you’ve enjoyed it too!

To celebrate this episode is DOUBLED SIZED! two additional hours of nerdcore, video game music, and me talking about how much fun all of this is. Enjoy!

(and YES you can have F-Sharp Minor, it was late and I forgot my music theory for a sec….)

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