A great night full of jazz and Ev stopped by to hang out and talk comics!
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue Expansion Pack – Jazzercise (8/4/14)”
Nerdy Music for the Masses
Shows that focus on specific games, genres, or topics
A great night full of jazz and Ev stopped by to hang out and talk comics!
Continue reading “Press Start to Continue Expansion Pack – Jazzercise (8/4/14)”
An awesome night of Super Smash Bros music! Really ALL of the music. This podcast is chockfull of game remixes. So are you excited for the next SSMB?? I don’t know about you, but I am PUMPED for SSB for 3DS/Wii U. Whenever it comes out. Hopefully next year? Who cares!!
Here are the tracks played from tonight’s show.
The list is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
We had a great night with a number of guests – Josh Braska was sitting in as player 2 to help us get some donations for the station. We also were graced with Burrie Jenkins and (Silent) Bob. They played a couple beautiful songs. Unfortunately the show recording was cut off after about an hour, but I had to put this up. They’re playing was really touching.
Here’s the tracks played from tonight’s show.
The list is marked as follows:
*Title* by *Artist* – *Album* (Game)
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Artists need to eat too!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
An awesome night of pokemon themed music in celebration of Pokemon X/Y’s release on Oct 12th. All tracks can be found on Pokemon: The Missingno Tracks from Overclocked ReMix unless marked otherwise.
A relaxing night of game inspired piano arrangements – some of my personal favorites!
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show:
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
Tonight was all single player, So this hour we had a ton of awesome mashups. I hope you enjoy!
Here is the songlist of all this hour’s mashups:
Check out www.bootieusa.com for a ton more mashups, and the “Best of Bootie” albums they’ve been putting out since 2005!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show:
All songs marked “OCReMix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
Tonight we decided to go into a bit of a theme and play some of our favorite Jazz game remixes.
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show:
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. You can also email us at PressStartRadio1033@gmail.com. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
The Super Bowl of gaming, E3 kicked off this week with some sweet and sour notes. for this hour we talk about the two big announcements this year, the XBox One and the Playstation 4. The XBO has had some… Let’s face it, its really not looking good for Microsoft right now. Listen to that and more in this hour of our show!
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show:
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/StarttoContinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. As always, this is the second and Podcast Safe hour of the broadcast. Be sure to catch us at 11p-1a (EST) every Monday at valleyfreeradio.org to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!
Here is the songlist and games remixed in this show (All songs from this episode are from the game Mega Man 2!):
All songs marked “OCRemix” can be found at OverClocked ReMix (http://ocremix.org) – please show them some support! Download, donate, tell your friends!
Visit us at Facebook.com/starttocontinue for updates, to make requests, or just to post stuff you think our listeners may enjoy. Be sure to catch us at 11-1 every Monday night to hear the entire show. Thanks for listening!